Step 4
Apply the Solution
YUKO Hair Straightening Solution
YUKO has 3 different types of solution*. Choose according to what you have concluded in the hair analysis phase.
* Stylist needs to purchase a starter kit before buying individual solutions.
G-Cream H
For coarse, healthy and/or virgin hair
Cream type
G-Cream S
For thin, color and/or slightly damaged hair. Cream type
How to Apply
Apply the solution 1 inch away from the scalp and in 1 inch subsections
Cover the hair with plastic wrap after applying the solution
Perform an elasticity check to see if the hair is processed (see below diagram)
Elasticity Check
Complete an elasticity check couple minutes into the processing time to see if the status of the hair or if it's ready.
Example 1
Step 1
Pick 3-4 strands of hair
Step 2
Hold the processed hair and gently stretch. Do not pull too hard
Step 3
If the hair stretches 1-1.5 in with ease then the hair is ready. If not wait and repeat the check.
Example 2
Step 1
Take 1/4 inches of hair and wipe off solution
Step 2
Wrap the hair around a finger twice. Take out the finger and place the loop on palm
Step 3
If the loop looks relaxed, the hair is ready
Step 4
If the loop looks stiff and hard, the hair still needs time to processed
One Last Thing
Never apply on the scalp. It can cause the hair to bend at the roots
Don't press down the plastic wrap due to the solution spreading to the roots
Make sure to saturate the solution well into the hair so every strand is covered
Apply the solution evenly and quickly as possible to avoid disparity in processing time
Don't apply heat. Heat causes over and uneven processing of the hair
Don't comb through the solution because it strips away the chemical